Confessions about breast reduction
My MIL has made it clear she thinks me getting this done is for cosmetic purposes. I'll admit that some of it is. I want to be able to wear cute shirts and (1) be able to button them and (2) not look like a whore. But I'm also hoping that the back, neck and shoulder pain will be a thing of the past. That maybe the slow hunching of my back will cease, and just maybe one day I can stand up straight. That there will be no more headaches and neckaches when I wake up in the morning.
I'm scared of having the surgery. This will be my first surgery and basically I am getting my breasts amputated and reconstructed. I'm going to have scars on my breasts for the rest of my life. I'm scared I'm making the wrong decision and it won't be worth it.
I've read a lot of people's stories about their breasts and their BR experiences, and I have to confess that I don't hate my breasts. I confess that I use them for attention, but only in the places where such things are appropriate. LOL I like it that people think my breasts are nice. I don't like the big National Geographic nipples that come along with having breasts as large as mine, and yeah, they sag, but not terribly so. They're in pretty good shape. But I don't want to be Quasimoto in 20 years, with breasts down to my waist and permanent nerve damage from the weight of them. I want to be able to sleep with a regular pillow, to sleep on my side without going numb or rolling over my breasts. Will I have another neck ache again? What if I do after the surgery? Then what? Well, I guess I'll have nice perky breasts again from the outside, and look damn fine. Naked - well, hopefully I won't scar badly. LOL I have other scars, and they are not noticeable, so I think I'll be okay. We'll see. I'll keep you informed.
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