Friday, December 23, 2005

Confession 10.4

My mother in law saw me naked.

Yeah, there I was, all sexy sitting in a chair in the tub, my bum knee propped up on the toliet, giving my stinky self a sponge bath and a MUCH needed hair washing (thank God I didn't live in the times before regular showers. My hair looked like Aragorn from LOTR. Not an attractive look for a woman.) Trust me - asing your MIL to help you put on your panties isn't one of those moments to look upon fondly. I know she's got the same parts as me, but damn!

Well, at least I hadn't shaved my "area" in a while. I think that she probably wouldn't appreciate knowing her son likes it bare down there. LOL *wink*

Actually, the majority of the time she was with me (and God bless her for coming - she fed the kids, cleaned, helped me get around, took me to the orthopod) I was worrying that she thought I was just a complete slob. The kids' bathroom was dirty - okay, I'll say it. Parts of it were gross. They clean their own bathroom, and they hadn't done it in a couple of weeks. It was nasty. Not black ring on the tub and piss everywhere nasty, but still - I was embarrassed. She cleaned the kitchen floor (what was she thinking?) she vacummed the study (what was she thinking) she made dinner (what was she thinking when she went into the pantry and saw the liter box?) ARGGHHH!!! I was driving myself insane, honestly. LOL It was stressful.

I do that. Terrible! I can't relax and just enjoy having people who care about me take care of me. I'm always wondering what they are thinking, wishing that I could be better.... Hopefully this will help me get over this. Because the help isn't over yet. I'm going to have to get a ride to and from work everyday for two weeks because I have to keep my long leg straight - no way will I fit in my front seat to drive. I can't do much without help. This sucks!! LOL


Blogger Ellen said...

THank God someone helped you in your time of need. I know you did more than you had to taking care of my issues at work. I will forever be greatful for all you did - and you can always call me for anything!

3:40 PM PST  

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