Friday, November 04, 2005

Confession 6.0

I HATE Wal-Mart.

Yeah, yeah - join the bandwagon, I know. But I have hated them for years. Not because they take away the small business owner. But because how they purposely keep their employees so poor that the majority don't get enough hours to have insurance for their families, and they qualify for food stamps. They say they are concerned about the poor in America, and want to continue to keep their prices low so that they can afford to buy things in their store, but I guess they want to do it off the backs of their own employees and the backs of the American taxpayer.

It's not like they can't afford it! Individually, the owners of Wal-Mart are all considered top 10 of America's richest people. Not as a group, mind you - as invidiuals. So while they are all billionares many times over, they want us to believe that their company would suffer if they paid their employees a living wage. That they would have to raise the prices of their goods if they gave all their employees enough hours to qualify for health insurance, to pay them enough to keep them off the food stamp roll.... Sickening.

I don't even go to Sam's anymore.

If you're interested in learning the real truth about Wal-Mart, and not the spin they want to put on everything, check out this:

No, I'm not coming down on "The Man", I'm not hating on them just because they're successful - I'm coming down on them for being hypocritcal, money hungry a-holes who claim to be the provider for the underclass, yet make damn sure that they people who run their stores are kept in the underclass, all while sitting in their mansions counting their billions of dollars.

I was very happy to see Wal-Mart donate millions to the Hurricane Katrina survivors. But it just isn't enough to change my perception. Start giving your employees health insurance, give them a wage to live on, and then we'll see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here Here. I dislike Wal-Mart for the way it treats it's customers and it's vendors. Everyone talks about how low Wal-Mart's prices are and that is a good thing since Wal-Mart employees can't afford to shop anywhere else. Being in distribution/retail, I am so tired of hearing what Wal-Mart is doing.And it is always followed by, well you guys should do the same to keep up. It seems that Wally World has become the holy driving force behind American business.
I won't even get into the fact that Wal-Mart seems to high only people who are functionally illiterate!

5:49 AM PST  

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