Friday, December 23, 2005

Confession 10.2

I broke my freakin' knee cap.

No, not a joke. I was walking along, minding my own business, holding my daughter whilst coming out of GattiLand, and WHOOSH! I was flying towards the ground. Trying to not drop my daughter, I held on to her the best I could (she still knocked her little noggin on the pavement), I took all my weight and hers to my left knee. OUCH. To say the least.

I'm writhing around in pain on the ground, people are stopping to ask if the lady is okay, we get to the hospital - yeah - broken in two places. Nice. I made them cut my jeans. My nicest pair, too, but damned if they were going to make me move my leg. I wouldn't have cared if they were a $200 pair of Versace, cut those bitches off!!!

That was Sunday night. Luckily I don't have to have surgery - as long as I keep my leg completely straight for three weeks, and then in other imobilizers for an additional five weeks, I should recover from this without any insightly scars or, hopefully, no calls of a "bum knee still giving me pain" years down the road.

I can't freakin' believe I did this. I slipped in the same damn pair of shoes last week at work. But it was in the morning and there was still dew on the ground. I thought it was just a fluke. Nope. It was the fucking shoes. LOL They have since gone in the trash, along with their sister pair in blue.

It was an opportunity to buy some more shoes from my fav website, though - I found a couple of really cute mules in suede grey and dark brown croc that have rubber soles. LOL Hey - I needed something to go with the yoga pants that will be the staple of my work wardrobe until I get this thing off my leg!

When I called work to let them know what happened, I was glad to hear that people were horrified, but I was sad to find out that a lady at work's husband was killed in a car accident that weekend as well. Kind of put my little accident in perspective. We both go back to work on Tuesday.


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