Sunday, August 12, 2007

Confession about work

I would leave my job if I didn't make enough money. I would love to be able to do a job where I didn't hear or see about the worst of society every day. But as usual, not wanting to go into Austin for a job is holding me back. It's worth it (I think). LOL I have stopped taking Wellbutrin, so we'll see. I actually had a day where I went to the boss and told her I needed to get the hell out of my section. I was going to take something else in the office until she told me that it would be a significant salary reduction. I sucked it up and stayed.

There was one woman whose story was just so .... how do I say it? I was sucked into her world. I found myself googling her abuser's name to try and find out information about him, to help her out. I felt like the entire world had let her down, that her life was so miserable - classic example of me not being able to let it go. She would call me and talk almost thirty minutes. I felt like I was the only one in the office that cared about her. ARGH! I was seriously driving myself insane. I had to make a concerted efford to do a massive step back, and it worked. I felt guilty, and I still wonder about her from time to time, but GOD I can't worry about other people when I have four kids of my own and family issues myself! I've got a sister who has enough drama for 12 people, thank you very much!!!!

I recently started to do it again , with the trial we have going on with the sexual assault of a teenage boy with his MILF neighbor. Watching that poor kid get grilled on the stand just ate me alive. My weekend was filled with thoughts about him, empathy for him that had no outlet. What was I going to do? "Hey, dude - I saw you on the stand. Hang in there.". ?!?!?! Like he wants to be reminded that strangers were watching him tell about him losing his virginity to a black widow spider? I think not. So I had to tell my attorney I couldnt' go back in there. And I didn't, until the woman herself took the stand. I had no problems watching her crazy ass. Now let's just hope that justice is served.


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